Marc Sketches, Concept Art, and Experiments

This is artwork I've done of Marc while planning for, and working on Redux.

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Welcome Home

A very early concept sketch of the Seer and Marc. Originally the Seer's domain was very different, and the Seer was a lot more abstract and difficult to draw. The idea was that it was an amalgamation of every instance of yourself in all realities trying to occupy the same space. It got toned down to be easier to draw. Drawn sometime in 2020.

Very Early Marc

An extremely early drawing of Marc, when I still didn't have a good grasp on his design or personality. He was pretty boring originally and his personality got seriously overhauled to be more relaxed. Originally he was a bit of a smug bastard. Drawn sometime in late 2019 or very early 2020.

Marc Sketch

A more recent sketch of Marc and Radia as I was figuring out how the Seer abilities would look. Drawn sometime in 2022.


Just a goofy thumbnail sketch. Drawn sometime in 2022.


A practice drawing from a scene that was cut in the most recent draft of the comic. It was going to involve Lewa (with a much older design) chasing Marc down a maze-like series of hallways while Marc's abilities slowly came in. He started seeing other threads and versions of events where he either died or succeeded layered over what was happening to him in that moment as he thought of them. It got cut because it was too complicated and difficult to draw. And wound up being a bit too violent and gory for the tone I'm trying to keep in this arc. Drawn sometime in 2020 or 2021.

Old Seer Concept art. The seer has a cloak of eyes.

This was some concept art that I completely forgot about drawing. The seer was pretty difficult to pin down and I forgot about this iteration of it. One idea I had was going to involve a movie theater which the seer could just chill out in and watch any thread that it felt like watching, and there was going to be a scene of Marc watching the outside world as a passive observer and tread into some territory involving apathy and escapism. A lot of these early concepts were a bit too dark for this arc though, and I've opted to hold off on some themes and ideas until the characters are older. This was apparently drawn in April 2021.

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