Here's what's going on with me lately, as of 02/24/2025:
- Updates on the site are slow due to life being busy as hell.
- Aiming to finish the draft of Redux and have it posted over the course of next year. Progress has slowed down due to external circumstances but there's a large buffer already. I was doing multiple pages a week but now I'm just trying to get through one per week.
- Medical stuff has been okay but now I'm distracted by life and political circumstances getting in the way. It's been difficult to focus on much lately, and I've just been trying to stay afloat and keep my job and keep my home in order.
- Been on a quest of trying to fix my absurd sleep schedule. That's gone well at times followed by some life thing showing up and dropping a massive cinderblock on it and destroying it again. I still try, though.
- Doing my best to make it through the day.
- Reading: Soul Music by Terry Pratchett (~50%)
- Reading: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (~50%(?? It's difficult to actually tell where I am in it. But I like that about it.))
- Finished Reading: If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio, Godkiller and Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner
- Unfinished, actively playing: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (???% done. I remembered it existed, hadn't finished it previously, and have been playing it to distract myself in light of everything. Currently trying to get all of the outfits. There are a lot.)
- Ongoing in-order Zelda Series Replay: Currently on: Ocarina of Time (90% done, haven't touched it in a few months.)
- Ongoing online Gloomhaven Campaign with a friend (Playing weekly. ???% done.)
- Occasionally playing: Modded Stardew Valley on and off (Never complete.)
- Unfinished, on backburner: Hollow Knight (80-90% done... I think?)
- Unfinished, on backburner: Earthbound Replay (actually got the sword of kings. ~90% done)
- Always listening to MCR.
- Recently got into Sparkbird.
- Rewatch of FMA 2003 with a friend. Just finished.
- Planning to watch:
- I Saw The TV Glow
- Arcane Season 2
- Scavenger's Reign
Other media:
- None at the moment!
Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to say hello on the Guest Book!